WITCH Whitepaper

Published in
2 min readMay 9, 2023


Witch Token Whitepaper is Live

WITCH’s official whitepaper is live, giving both existing WITCH community and new community members a detailed introduction to WITCH’s Web3 ecosystem and tokenomics.

The whitepaper provides a comprehensive overview of WITCH’s game-fi, social-fi, crafting, tokenomics and more.

What exactly will you find in the WITCH whitepaper? Some of the points covered in the paper include:

WITCH Overview

WITCHVERSE is the metaverse created by WITCH where real life and the virtual world coalesces into a single transcendental experience.

With a mission to bridge the gap between the physical world and the metaverse, WITCH is set out to offer a dynamic range of products that will add special value to the lives of future denizens of the metaverse.

Imagine a world where all forms of exchange of value such as communication, consuming content and even finances are possible in the metaverse. In fact, some of these are already a reality in WITCHVERSE.


WITCHWORLD is a Web3 metaverse that can be accessed anytime, anywhere through various platforms such as web, mobile web, app, and VR. Anyone can easily join with just an email and it provides a unique and attractive metaverse space where they can showcase their digital identity.

  • Types of Blocks in WITCHWORLD
  • Various Metaverse features
  • WITCH Creator Toolkit


WITCHCRAFT is a marketplace where digital assets can be issued and traded in the form of NFT (Non-Fungible Token). This provides individuals or businesses with a secure and transparent environment to trade their digital collections.


WITCHSCAN is a block explorer that monitors and analyzes blockchain data on the WITCH platform in real-time. Users can use WITCHSCAN to view all transaction records in the WITCH ecosystem and see them in an easy-to-understand format.

Witch Token (WITCH)

Witch Token is the native currency of WITCHVERSE where everything we love is transformed into NFTs.

Witch Token was introduced to serve as a primary means to participate in the digital assets. Secondarily, they will be used to onboard new users to our digital asset-driven ecosystem but also to reward and bestow governance to our existing holders.

With Witch Token, users will explore WITCHVERSE in diverse ways — from purchasing lands in the metaverse, voting, entering a private auction and more. In essence, WITCH Token is your gateway to WITCHVERSE.

Token Economy

  • Token Allocation

WITCH 2023 Roadmap

To get more information on all aspects of WITCH, read the full WITCH whitepaper.

Click and check for more in details 👉 WITCH WHITEPAPER 👈

